Managing Hitachi Data Instance Director v6.x

Код: TSI2995

Продолжительность очно: 3 дн.

Продолжительность VILT: 3 дн.

Формат обучения: очно, Virtual Instructor-Led Training - VILT

Цена: $1,920 - Partners
$2,700 - Customers

О курсе

This course provides in-depth training on how to use Hitachi Data Instance Director (HDID) to orchestrate and manage Hitachi replication software products such as:
● Hitachi ShadowImage®
● Hitachi Thin Image
● Hitachi TrueCopy® and Hitachi Universal Replicator
● Global-Active Devices

The course includes HDID host-based operations, such as continuous data protection (CDP), backup and others.

This course also includes review of best practices for each of the products. In addition, this course includes hands-on lab activities on HDID designed to build the skills necessary to use HDID as the key orchestration layer for these products.

This course prepares you for the following Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional qualification test:
• Hitachi Vantara Qualified Professional – Data Protection Administration (HQT-6710) Exam

Для кого этот курс

Course Availability
● Employees
● Customers
● Partners

Target Audience
● Administration

Требуемые знания и навыки

Required Knowledge and Skills
● Experience working with servers (Windows or UNIX)
● Basic knowledge of SAN and block-oriented storage
● Experience using VMware hypervisor and vCenter
● Experience working with databases

Приобретаемые навыки

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
● Describe advanced HDID capabilities and how they relate to the features and functions of Hitachi replication products
● Describe the function and features offered by Hitachi In-System Heterogeneous Replication bundle
● Perform in-system replication operations through HDID including complex policies that combine and automate different Hitachi replication tools
● Describe new functionality in HDID v6.5
● Perform host-based data protection through HDID
● Describe the requirements for using HDID in storage-based, host-based and hypervisor environments
● Define the new backup policies
● Authorize new nodes and data flow
● Use HDID to create backups and recover from a backup
● Describe new functionality in HDID v6.5


Content Modules
● Overview of Hitachi Data Instance Director
● Overview of Hitachi Replication and GAD
● Node Configuration, Policy Definition, Data Flow and Monitor
● Storage-Based Data Protection
● Host Based Protection
● Application Data Protection
● Role Based Access Control Support and Maintenance
● What’s New in Hitachi Data Instance Director v6.5

Learning Activities—Labs
● Authorize a Node
● Create a Policy
● Create a Data Flow
● Create Role Based Access Control
● Global-Active Device Orchestration
● Configure CDP Under Host Based Protection
● Create SQL/Oracle Snap Operation (Optional)

Обучение и сертификация в различных областях информационных технологий по продукции и технологиям мировых лидеров ИТ-рынка
Невский пр, дом 173, литер А
+7 (812) 611-15-75